- Jul, 13
- Making Money
5 Truths About Working on a Cruise Ship You Need to Know
Truths about working on a cruise ship told by people who do this make the job seem very un-glamorous. You definitely need to be aware of some of them before you join the crew. However, don’t take this as a cautionary tale against working on a ship. It’s a great way to make money, travel the world, and meet a ton of interesting people. So take note of the not-so-good parts, but be sure to weigh all pros and cons carefully when making the decision.
5 Not Very Pleasant Truths About Working on a Cruise Ship
1. Stomach Bugs Are Hell
Due to the fact that cruise ships are tiny and ‘locked’ ecosystems, any infection here spreads at a frightening pace. A stomach bug can be over the entire ship within a day and lead to people vomiting and even getting bouts of diarrhea all over the place. Yes, this means well outside the bathrooms. Learn more at Newsweek.
2. There’s a Morgue on a Ship and It’s Used Regularly
A big cruise ship is like a floating city, so having a morgue, hospital, and jail is a must. As passengers are often in their senior years and suffer from chronic health issues, deaths aren’t uncommon. There are also many instances of people falling overboard. Often, not to be seen ever again.
3. The Food Is Often Bad
The myth about the crew eating leftovers is nothing but a myth, but one of the saddest truths about working on a cruise ship is that the food is often bland and sometimes bad.
4. Wi-Fi Is Too Expensive
Crew members don’t get free Wi-Fi and as the costs of it are high, you won’t be able to surf the Web at your leisure.
5. Passengers Can Be Tough to Deal With
Working with people is never easy but you won’t have an escape from ridiculous complaints and even violent incidents when working on a cruise ship.
Absolutely priceless! Having a bit of a bad day today but this cheered me up – strangely enough!
Telling it like it is Amy! That’s why I come to your site. Great piece!
Personally speaking, as a former crew member, this is spot on! And yes, stomach bugs on board can wipe out an entire ship (trust me, I know!)
My eldest daughter has been thinking of working on a cruise ship after college ends. Guess I’ll get her to have a read of this first!
Love it!
My last vacation was a highly anticipated cruise which I won’t be taking again in a hurry. Trapped on board with so many people with no means of escape is now my idea of hell!
Lack of wi-fi – nope, that’s finalized it for me!
Wow! I think we need to see the other side of what travel agents promote as pure glamour all the time. So glad you all enjoyed this one!