- Mar, 12
- Making Money
How to Finance Your Big Travel Adventure
Many people long to see the world. But travel can be very expensive, and if you want to visit several different countries over one single trip, you may think that this will cost too much.
But travelling and seeing the world should not be a pipe dream. If you really want to travel, you should find a way to go and do that.
Often, our circumstances in life are the thing that really prevents us from picking up and leaving. A career, relationship, or family commitments can often seem like major barriers aside from the financial aspects. There can be ways of enjoying travel while retaining these aspects of your life and it is always important to have conversations with anyone that your travels may effect before taking the plunge.
Paying for Your Travels
In terms of financing your trip, here are some suggestions for ways that you can pay for your travels.
Take out a Loan
For many travellers, a big trip that takes in several countries over a prolonged period is a once in a lifetime experience. As such, it is something that is worth paying for. The memories that you will get through taking a major trip such as this are going to be on a much richer level than those that you may experience if you are just taking a holiday.
While many people may view travelling as taking an extended holiday, it is far more than that. It provides the opportunity to grow and develop as a person and learn more about the world than you can from books or TV documentaries. It is therefore not an experience that would match the financial expense involved.
Taking out a loan to pay for your travels might be an option that is open to you. You could look at home owner loans if they are applicable to you.
Remember, if you are taking out a loan, that if you have payments due while you are out of the country, that you ensure you have the available funds for these. You should also have a plan in place for repaying the loan on your return to your normal life after your travels.
Boost Your Savings by Reducing Your Outgoings Prior to Travel
On the run-up to going on your travels, do everything that you can to reduce your outgoings in order to save money. Think about cancelling unused subscriptions for streaming services and things like gym memberships.
If you are able to move in with family in order to save money on rent or bills, do this. It might be a bit inconvenient, however, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of having extra money when you travel.
If you are able to pick up extra work on the run up to your departure, this may be very beneficial to you too.
Work as You Travel
One of the best ways to pay for your travels is to work while you go. There are plenty of opportunities for earning money in the countries that you are visiting. The types of work that will be available to you will vary depending on the country that you are visiting, but you could look at carrying out agricultural work such as fruit or vegetable picking as you travel. Many farms will employ pickers on a day-to-day basis, and you could pick up a few days in exchange for cash or a place to stay for a few nights.
Teaching is a great way of earning, and it can be very rewarding. Even if you have no experience, it might be possible to get a job teaching English in some countries. Look into doing this before you plan your trip.
If you are able to, you might want to create a travel writing blog. If you can create content that enough people are interested in reading, then you may be able to monetize this in a way that generates you a passive income that you can make use of as you travel.
Another option that may suit you is to pick up some remote work that you can do from anywhere in the world. The idea of being a digital nomad is very popular these days, and if you have skills in areas such as copy or content writing, web design, graphic design, or anything else that you can do without the need for an office or face-to-face contact with clients, you may be able to continue working throughout your travels. All you will need is a laptop and an internet connection to earn money.
You can also try trading while you are overseas. Again, you’re only going to need an Internet connection and a laptop to do this. Margin trading is a good place to start.
Cutting Your Travel Costs
Paying for your travel is one thing, but there are lots of ways of living frugally when you are out seeing the world. Here are some examples.
If you want to really cut the costs of your travels, instead of paying for hotels and hostels, get yourself signed up with Couchsurfing websites. Couchsurfing involves sleeping on people’s couches or in spare rooms. You will not only get a free place to sleep for the night, but you will also get to meet people from all over the world and experience their lives and cultures first hand.
Hitching a Ride
Hitchhiking is the age-old way of getting to where you want to go for free. Simply put out your thumb on the side of the road and hope someone picks you up. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will get a ride as generally most people will ignore a hitchhiker. However, once in a while you may be able to get a free ride and meet some interesting people in doing so.
If you are thumbing a ride, you should also consider your back-up options. Are there buses and trains in the area, or is it possible to get a taxi. Hitchhiking is never an ideal situation if you need to be in a certain place by a certain time such as catching a plane, for example.